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Hoe herken je schizofrenie aan gedrag?
Laatst beoordeeld: 07.06.2024

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Modern medicine is not able to cure this disease. This is due to the fact that until now the mechanism of its development is still shrouded in mystery, even the factors that provoke the appearance of symptoms of schizophrenia in the presence of hereditary predisposition, remain a mystery. There is practically no connection with age, sex and external influences, the disease can manifest itself in the same place, and half of the children who have both parents sick (one can imagine the microclimate of such a family, which itself is a constant stressor), remain throughout life perfectly healthy.
Since the 1960s, the discovery of neuroleptics has helped to slow down the development of negative symptoms in the vast majority of patients, and in about 30-40% of cases to achieve long-term and even permanent remission (subject to medical supervision and supportive drug therapy). Nevertheless, the patient does not completely recover, since withdrawal of psychotropic drugs is always fraught with exacerbations - specific behavior in schizophrenia resumes, regardless of the duration of medication. [1], [2]
Behavioral peculiarities of schizophrenics are conditioned by the scenario of the disease development. All psychiatric pathologies are manifested by reverse development, degradation of a personality trait. In schizophrenia there is a splitting of the whole personality into separate fragments that lose interrelation with each other (the very name of the disease speaks about splitting of the intellect). And only then the regression of the formed parts begins, and sometimes unevenly, and there are behavioral features associated with the degradation of individual personality fragments. [3]
First signs of schizophrenia in women and men, behaviors
Most cases debut in young adults, with males becoming ill several years earlier than females. [4]
There are no behavioral abnormalities before the manifestation of the disease, which allow predicting the development of schizophrenia in the future. Before the appearance of obvious signs of mental pathology, some peculiarities may be observed in a person's behavior - isolation, craving for loneliness, hypertrophied adherence to certain activities, fruitless reasoning, careless attitude to studies, appearance. However, these manifestations do not have the severity of schizophrenic spectrum disorders and are inherent in many people who will never get schizophrenia. Unfortunately, no psychiatrist, even the most experienced one, will be able to predict the development of schizophrenia just by the presence of some oddities.
The behavior of adult patients has no clear sex and age differences, except that in children it has some peculiarities. Since the disease manifests itself more often at a young age, the first signs often coincide with the pubertal crisis, which is inherent in the desire for independence and the associated rejection of authority, the search for the meaning of life and fascination with various philosophical teachings, so the beginning of the disease is quite possible to "see". Only acute and too obvious psychoses draw attention. If the disease progresses slowly and gradually, it is sometimes quite late to suspect it.
Nevertheless, some signs can be grasped. The essence of the disease is the splitting of the mind, i.e., the loss of mutual connections between individual personality characteristics with complete preservation of intellect, memory and skills, especially at the beginning of the disease. In schizophrenics, feelings and emotions manifest themselves independently of external stimuli, are in no way related to the current situation or subjective interests, and the same happens with thinking and other types of brain activity. All functions are preserved - a person thinks, speaks, listens, laughs or cries, but there is no mutual correspondence of these actions, from the point of view of a healthy person. Moreover, strange behavior, especially in the initial stages of the disease, is noticed only by people who know the patient well, outsiders may simply consider it odd. [5]
When diagnosing early schizophrenia, specialists try to identify disorders caused by difficulty in interpreting signals from the outside. The patient picks them up, but his perception is fragmented and the combination of auditory, visual, tactile sensations and movements from the external environment are no longer understandable to him. The patient's complex perception disappears, forcing him to assimilate into the surrounding reality in a new way, which is reflected in his facial expressions, speech and actions, which are not adequate to the current situation.
Behavioral changes occur as a reaction to the loss of the ability to link incoming information and interpret it, with the appearance of hallucinations and delusions and other productive symptoms. This forces the schizophrenic to go beyond the usual patterns of communication and activity and changes his behavior, which, in general, is the factor that draws attention to itself in the absence of symptoms of acute psychosis. [6]
The construction of speech in schizophrenics is correct for a long time, although pretentiousness and word creation may be observed. Schizophrenics are the last to lose their communication skills among all patients with mental illness, although their vocabulary also decreases over time.
Symptoms of neuralgia (tics, muscle twitches, movement coordination disorders), characteristic of many mental illnesses, are practically absent in schizophrenia. However, body movements become more fanciful over time, becoming unnatural, as the ability to move at ease is lost.
The most common behavioral abnormalities in schizophrenic patients are associated with delusions of relationship, influence, persecution, the content of which determines the features of behavior.
The patient suffering from delusions of jealousy is usually too diligently interested in the pastime and contacts of his other half - slowly examines the contents of the bag and pockets, notebooks and cell phones, controls the time of return home, can often "accidentally" pass by the place of work or study, looking there under various pretexts, arranges scandals and interrogations with passion.
The delirium of persecution manifests itself in exaggerated caution, taking often absurd measures to ensure the safety of himself and his home. When going outside, the patient may study the yard from the window for a long time, fearing persecutors, constantly looking around, changing clothes to disguise himself. In the house may be at any time of day curtained windows. Afraid of poisoning, a person checks food and drink, does not eat anything as a guest or prepared by other people's hands; afraid of germs and contamination - endlessly washing hands, cleaning dishes, boiling and washing everything.
Often draws attention to hypertrophied adherence or rearranges dishes and other things in a certain order. At the same time, his appearance may be characterized by carelessness and untidiness, and the room does not always look tidy in the usual sense. The patient always corrects the chairs set aside by others, smooths out the folds on the sofa covers, folds in a neat pile on the table newspapers, stationery. [7]
The patient develops a set of specific rituals dedicated to avoiding imagined danger or failure. These rituals become more and more complex, and a significant amount of time is spent on them.
The appearance of delirium may be evidenced by the following changes in the patient's behavior - secrecy, suspiciousness or aggression that appeared in relations with close people; conversations of fantastic or dubious content about a special mission, tracking him; unfounded self-accusations; meaningful incomprehensible hints about the coming changes; manifestations of fear, obvious anxiety, expressing fears for his life, confirmed by protective actions - checking food and drink, additional locks, careful locking of doors, windows, fortochets, etc.
Auditory hallucinations in schizophrenic patients in the form of peremptory voices, vocal dialog - condemning and justifying the patient, the feeling of imposed or stolen thoughts also affect behavioral changes. Patients with hallucinations usually listen to something anxiously and anxiously, may suddenly laugh or get upset, even cry, mumble something, and sometimes clearly dialog with an invisible interlocutor. [8]
The behavior of a schizophrenic patient does not correlate with his life experience or current situation, and often with generally accepted norms. He lives in his own delusional-hallucinatory world. Nevertheless, there is a certain logic in statements and actions that is only under his control, and it is often the peculiar comprehension and integration of facts that gives away the schizophrenic. In most cases, absolutely senseless, from the point of view of a normal person, the patient considers his actions as the only correct, and it makes no sense to change his mind. Most patients also consider themselves healthy and do not want to be treated, seeing in the persuasion of the intrigues of ill-wishers. Close people are not recommended to argue and persuade schizophrenics, to pressure them, because it is impossible and can cause aggression.
By the way, once treatment is started, most patients become sane quite quickly. But without treatment, the turn of the so-called negative symptomatology comes. Increasing isolation in their experiences, anxiety, disassociation from the outside world dulls emotions, as there is not enough external information for their production. This is accompanied by abulia - loss of volitional impulses and motivation for the most basic actions, and apathy. At the same time, schizophrenics are extremely sensitive to insignificant events, remarks, various trifles, but concerning them personally. In general, people with a sick psyche are usually devoid of altruism, they are concerned only with their own problems, appearing in a far-fetched world.
External signs of schizophrenia
With acute onset and severe psychosis, everything is very clear - the person needs psychiatric help, will be placed in hospital, treated and monitored. Such cases are even considered more favorable prognostically.
When the disease develops without vivid manifestations and psychosis is not yet noticeable, the schizophrenic's behavior becomes completely incomprehensible to others and close in terms of normal logic. His anxiety, worries and fears are devoid of objective and visible from the outside causes. Suspiciousness, likes and dislikes also have no real background. A schizophrenic can surprise by making unexpected decisions - quitting his job and starting to do creative work, making large and unnecessary purchases, giving away his belongings.
The main sign is a cardinal change in personality, and, as a rule, not for the better. The person loses his value system, which was created over the years and was inherent to him before the disease. Outwardly, it seems that he has no value system at all. Today he declares one thing and acts accordingly, the next day he may behave differently, and it is noticeable that his actions are caused by a passing mood, a random thought. [9]
The reaction of close people to such behavioral excesses is rarely positive, they try to reason with the patient, because at the beginning of the disease do not consider him as such. Naturally, it is impossible to convince a schizophrenic of anything. When faced with complete incomprehension and knowing for sure that he "does the right thing," the patient becomes more and more withdrawn, showing hostility, first of all, to his immediate environment.
Schizophrenics from the outside seem very alienated, inaccessible, cold, uncontactable and unintelligible. And this impression is created about them already in the initial stages of the disease or in low-progressive forms, when autistic changes and other gross symptoms have not yet begun to develop.
The patient's behavior does not yet draw attention to itself by too ridiculous actions, he has logical thinking, however, he already feels himself and the world around him changed, realizing it on a subjective level. Schizophrenic after the debut of the disease can no longer build relationships with loved ones, coworkers as before, he is confused, dissatisfied with himself. This leads to the fact that he or she closes in on himself or herself and seeks loneliness, since he or she cannot explain to himself or herself the changes that have occurred to him or her.
In most cases, in the initial stages, the new unusual condition causes at least deep thoughtfulness and often a depressed mood. Schizophrenic patients are more characterized by a lowered, depressed mood, sensory dullness - indifference, apathy, extreme hopelessness. This is reflected in mimicry - the face of a schizophrenic is mostly described as frozen, blank, expressionless (greasy face). Sometimes some slight grimace is frozen on it. In the third stage, the expression of detachment never leaves the patient's face.
However, some patients are characterized by expressiveness. Again, a variety of mimicry is characteristic of the initial stages of the disease. The first manifestations are characterized by high intensity of feelings and affects. The unusual coloring of the new world cannot leave a person indifferent, he sees everything in a new unfamiliar light, and his emotions fluctuate with significant amplitudes (which later leads to emotional burnout).
The patient's facial expressions and gestures correspond to his experiences and do not differ from those of ordinary people, however, the degree of their expressiveness does not correspond to the current moment, ridiculous from the point of view of others who do not realize that the intensity of emotions is off the scale. Joy in schizophrenics overflows over the edge and passes into hyperexcitement, unusual delight is accompanied by euphoria, love is characterized by ecstatic features and manifestations of gratuitous jealousy, sadness reaches extreme hopelessness and despair, fear is felt at the level of panic attack. Accentuation is unusually strong, and the patient under the influence of hallucinatory delusional states in the initial stages shows an explosion of heterogeneous and often opposite feelings and moods - he often explodes and rude to loved ones on trifling occasions, immediately cooling down and falling into deep thoughtfulness. [10]
Specific self-expression mechanisms are triggered by complications, e.g. In catatonia, patients repeat monotonous actions, change posture all the time, mumble, move their lips, may have facial convulsions, grimace or complete stupor. These manifestations are very different from the norm.
In addition, recent studies have shown that it is almost impossible for a schizophrenic patient to fix their gaze on a single point, especially a moving one, for long periods of time. Their gaze lags behind or overtakes the object, but they are unable to follow an evenly and slowly moving object with their eyes. [11]
The speech of a schizophrenic patient is usually correctly constructed, from the formal point of view it is logically coherent, and in the syntactic sense it depends on the level of education of the patient. The peculiarity of verbal constructions is constant jumping from one topic to another, unrelated to the previous one. In addition, the schizophrenic does not take into account the characteristics of the interlocutor - age, status, degree of closeness of acquaintance, which normal people pay attention to when communicating.
For example, the use of profanity in conversation with women, parents, strangers, and officials is not welcome in society. The majority of people, even those who master it filigree, do not use it in inappropriate cases, which cannot be said about the sick. For them there are no obstacles and authorities.
The style of verbal communication with the boss and even employees when discussing work issues is different for normal people from the style of communication with friends over a beer. The topic of conversation also affects the speech turns used. This applies to normals, while schizophrenics have no such differentiation.
For example, when a patient meets an elderly person he or she knows on the street, he or she can perfectly see his or her advanced age, unfashionable worn clothes, and not always confident movements. However, like any normal person, a schizophrenic will not think of offering to carry a heavy bag, cross the road, support a conversation about rising prices and small pensions, even if only for the sake of ending the conversation nicely. A schizophrenic will quickly seize the initiative of conversation from an elderly interlocutor in such a way that his vis-a-vis will no longer be able to insert even a word into the conversation and will lead a conversation of interest only to him. And it will be problematic for the elderly person to escape from the conversation.
If a schizophrenic is asked to compare any characteristics of several objects, he or she is sure to hear a variety of associations in response. And the objects will be united by very unexpected properties, but really inherent to them, and the flow of associative views on the problem will be inexhaustible. This disease is characterized by the loss of the ability to distinguish between major and minor characteristics of objects. When expressing his thoughts, the patient will jump from one qualitative characteristic to another, absolutely from different spheres.
The interlocutor, who has caused a flow of reasoning in a sick person, should not try to stop, interrupt, edify or argue with the patient. Delicately, referring to busyness, one should try to escape from the discussion. These recommendations are for the safety of the healthy person. In a schizophrenic, all areas of thought and emotion are disconnected from reality. If he or she gets into a frenzy, he or she will react inappropriately to an interference, and any careless word may cause aggression.
The appearance of a schizophrenic is not very conspicuous, especially in the initial stages. If the person is used to taking care of his or her appearance, the changes will not occur immediately. However, people close to him may notice that he brushes his teeth and/or showers less often, wears the same clothes for long periods of time, which are already very stale and wrinkled, that his facial expression has changed, his reactions and behavior has become different and inexplicable. Naturally, in more severe cases of insanity is conspicuous, however, only by appearance to determine the schizophrenic is impossible. People with any mental pathology differ inadequacy, can put on a strange set of things unsuitable for each other, season or occupation, can dramatically change the color scheme in clothing. Just schizophrenic long enough can be perceived as a person with some oddities, explaining them by stress, overwork, recent illness. This idea, by the way, is often supported by the patients themselves, who usually do not believe that they need psychiatric help. [12]
Gender and age-specific behavioral patterns in schizophrenia
There are no significant differences in the behavior of schizophrenics of different genders, because the disease is the same. Rather, new qualitative traits that have emerged in the patient and are viewed within the spectrum of traditional ideas about male and female roles in the family and society become noticeable.
Behavior in men with schizophrenia changes quite significantly. Mostly family members notice something wrong first, when a caring and loving son or husband (father) becomes cold and indifferent to loved ones, can kick a favorite dog, make an unreasonable scandal, and the next day shower everyone with gifts and show unnaturally hot affection. However, in general, the schizophrenic will remain deaf to the pressing problems of the family, not wanting to participate in their solution, but may engage in some activity, and apparently fruitless, to which he will devote all his free time.
Previously active and active, he can no longer be persuaded to do housework, at work there is also a loss of interest, a decrease in performance. Patients often abandon work, studies, previously favorite hobbies. Schizophrenics lead a fairly withdrawn way of life, gradually ceasing to be interested in many things, however, they may have new hobbies, to which they will devote all of themselves without a trace. These may be inventions, creative endeavors, or philosophical pursuits, usually without value. The schizophrenic can talk tirelessly on topics of interest to him, or rather, he quickly reduces any conversation to something that "hooks" him, jumping from one topic to another, not allowing the interlocutor to insert a word, making conclusions that are illogical from a normal point of view. [13]
Unfortunately, schizophrenics are prone to alcoholism and drug use. Substance abuse worsens the course of the illness, makes the prognosis for cure less favorable and increases the likelihood of suicide.
A man stops taking care of himself, stops shaving, washing, changing underwear. The mood of schizophrenics is more often depressed, apathy can be replaced by bouts of aggression, especially if they try to guide him to the path of truth, shake him up, change his mind.
It is not possible to give recommendations on how to recognize a male schizophrenic, but only to suspect the disease by inadequate behavior and to organize a qualified psychiatric consultation as soon as possible. Even an experienced physician will not be able to diagnose schizophrenia at the first meeting without observing the patient.
Behavior in women with schizophrenia is subject to the same laws of disease development. The woman closes in herself, becomes indifferent to relatives, home life. She can be infuriated by some insignificant trifle, she can throw a tantrum over a broken cup and react indifferently to the news of her mother's serious illness or even her death.
Unwillingness to look after themselves, lack of interest in their appearance is not characteristic of women in general, so such changes in behavior speak of dysfunction, although they are not necessarily symptoms of schizophrenia. [14]
The woman may have unusual hobbies, they are also capable of long fruitless discourse on topics that concern them, and worry patients with schizophrenia pseudohallucinations - voices in the head and giving commands, neighbors, watching her at the behest of aliens or using her thoughts with a reader embedded in the electrical outlet.
Inappropriate eating behavior is more characteristic of women, the same applies to dissatisfaction with their appearance, certain body parts, feeling bizarre symptoms (brains moving, bugs crawling up the esophagus). Patients have peculiar reasoning and conclusions, unstable mood, hysteria, resentfulness - behavior can change in different ways.
How to recognize a schizophrenic woman? By her changed behavior, and not to recognize, but to assume that she is ill, and how quickly she gets help will determine how her future life will turn out.
The age at which the symptoms of schizophrenia first appeared is associated with some, though not obligatory, peculiarities of its course and prognosis of treatment - the later it is, the easier the disease is and the less destructive its consequences. Hereditary congenital schizophrenia has the most unfavorable prognosis, although it can be diagnosed in children as young as seven years of age. [15]
Preschoolers may also have delusions and hallucinations, and they have been suggested even in infants, but it is not yet possible to establish this with certainty. The behavior of a child with schizophrenia differs from that of healthy children. In the youngest it can be suspected by the presence of fears - the child is afraid of any color, any toy, with coldness and apprehension treats even the most important key figure - his own mother. Later, when the child's social life becomes active, obsessiveness, aggressiveness, indifference, lack of desire to play with peers, lack of interest in walks, swings and other favorite children's activities begin to appear.
When the child begins to talk, it can be established that he or she hears voices, responds to them, listens to them, and can tell parents or older children about it. Affective swings, endless caprices and fears, chaotic speech, inadequate reactions can speak of the development of schizophrenia in the child. If parents notice such peculiarities of behavior, it is recommended to keep a diary of observations with a detailed description of unusual behavior, then psychiatric consultation will be more effective.
Behavior in schizophrenia in adolescents is characterized by high emotional tension. Little schizophrenics become difficult to control, show a tendency to run away from home, use psychoactive substances. Even the previously diligent students have obvious difficulties with memorization, scattered attention, they begin to lag behind in their studies, abandoning previously favorite sports or music, closed in isolation, some are prone to not childish wisdom, philosophizing. In adolescents disappears interest in socializing with peers, relationships with former friends are broken, and the new patient is not able to build a new one. Teenagers become resentful, it seems to them that everyone discusses them, they, as well as adults, stop caring for themselves, do not fulfill their responsibilities at home. The consequences of hallucinations and delusions are increased suspicion, hostility, unbalanced. Child and adolescent schizophrenia usually develops rapidly and has an unfavorable prognosis. [16]
Schizophrenia is rare in old age and progresses slowly. Older women live longer than men, so cases are more frequent among them. Sometimes in old age there is an exacerbation of schizophreniform psychosis, manifested in younger years, and as a result of successful treatment for a long time did not manifest itself. It is not easy to recognize that the mental illness is exactly senile schizophrenia, it can be confused with dementia, neurotic disorders, Alzheimer's disease.
Signs of schizophrenia in elderly women, as well as at an earlier age, indicate the presence of hallucinatory delusional symptoms. Behavior changes to inadequate, the patient becomes apathetic, slovenly, ceases to be interested in children and grandchildren, sometimes, frankly does not want to communicate with them. In general, the circle of life interests is limited to food and sleep, the patient chooses voluntary isolation, stops going out for walks, communicating with female friends, watching favorite TV series.
There are not many schizophrenics among persons with particularly dangerous criminal behavior, such as serial killers, and not many among professional criminals. In general, they are not dangerous. This is explained, first of all, by their predisposition to stupor, loneliness, isolation from the outside world. [17]
Types of schizophrenia
According to the predominant features of the behavior of schizophrenics, different types of the disease are also distinguished, although the methods of treatment are not affected by this division, and modern psychiatry is about to abandon this classification.
The most common is paranoid schizophrenia, which manifests in adults. It has a continuous course, develops gradually, and personality changes are slow. The most pronounced symptoms are persistent paranoid delusions of relationship, influence or affect.
Paranoid schizophrenics are sure, for example, that they are followed everywhere, keeping an eye on them, therefore, everyone is only busy discussing the behavior and life of the patient, and in most cases he suspects disrespectful attitude to himself. The patient can "see" himself being followed, is sure that they want to kill him, read his thoughts, begins to suspect the participation of his acquaintances, neighbors, fear them, interpret in their own way the words they said.
This type is characterized by pseudohallucinations - voices, alien, ordering or discussing something, not previously peculiar, but as if inserted from the outside, heard by inner hearing. The most unfavorable are considered to be imperative voices, at the behest of which patients can commit life-threatening acts. Over time, a syndrome of mental automatism is formed, orders and internal dialogues determine the behavior of the schizophrenic. He becomes indifferent, detached or anxious and worried, less often can be joyfully excited in anticipation of his great mission with the presence of an elevated mood background, which does not decrease even when there are real reasons for this; tachypsychia - acceleration of the pace of thinking (the patient becomes a mere generator of ideas); hyperbulia - increased activity (motor, motivational, especially in terms of pleasure, multidimensional and sterile activity). Mania is an additional symptom most characteristic of women. [18]
The intensity and severity of each of the symptoms may vary, moreover, schizophrenics usually have complex manic-paranoid disorders combined with, for example, delusions of persecution or relationship delusions, delusions of self-exclusivity. Behavioral abnormalities will manifest accordingly.
Oneiroid mania may develop in combination with vivid hallucinations. Manic states refer to mood disorders, that is, affect, under the influence of which patients have a reduced need for rest, a mass of unrealistic plans and ideas appear, they develop vigorous activity in many directions. Mania is not always associated with a joyful mood, often hyperactivity of thinking and motor skills is accompanied by a decrease in mood, increased irritability, aggression and anger. Patients may go on a sexual marathon, become addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Paranoid schizophrenia is usually recognized quickly because in most cases the delusions are unrealistic and ridiculous. However, when the nature of the delusions is plausible, such as delusions of jealousy or persecution by, for example, business rivals, and the schizophrenics are very convincing because they themselves are convinced of their fantasies, then for quite a long time others may not realize the illness.
Negative symptomatology in this form is insignificant.
Hereditary schizophrenia, manifesting in early childhood and adolescence, more often in males, is characterized by a severe progressive course and rapid development of negative symptoms. The types of juvenile malignant schizophrenia include the following:
Catatonic - characterized by the predominance of diametrically opposite psychomotor disorders in the symptomatology, usually occurring without loss of consciousness (immobility is replaced by hyperkinesis). Upon waking up, the patient remembers and can tell about what happened around him. Behavior is stuporous, periodic episodes of freezing are characteristic, for example, patients stand or sit looking at one point. In this type of disease, oneiroid states can develop - the patient's behavior corresponds to hallucinations in which he participates (dreaming in reality). This form of schizophrenia is characterized by a rapid course - the third stage comes within two to three years. [19]
Herbephrenic schizophrenia develops only in adolescence and early adolescence. The dominant behavioral features are completely inappropriate wiggling and goofy behavior. It has a rapid onset and unfavorable prognosis due to the development of autistic disorder.
Simple schizophrenia develops without delusions or hallucinations; moreover, such children usually do not cause any complaints from parents or teachers before the illness. Changes in behavior appear suddenly and are expressed in a rapid increase in symptomatology. Within three to five years, the patients develop a special schizophrenic defect consisting in complete indifference to everything.
Behavior in sluggish schizophrenia (in the modern interpretation - schizotypal personality disorder) is closest to the oddball, and to true schizophrenia now this disorder is not attributed to the true schizophrenia. In the acute state, delusions and hallucinations may be, but unstable and weakly expressed. More often there are obsessions, noticed oddities in behavior, rituals, excessive detail, egocentrism and detachment, hypochondria, dysmorphophobia. The imaginary complaints of patients are characterized by extravagance, patients are embarrassed by certain parts of their body, and absolutely normal, can hide them, dream of remaking them. However, negative consequences in the form of deep emotional burnout, as well as social and professional disadaptation do not appear in the disorder. [20]
Nevertheless, behavior in latent schizophrenia changes at any age and in persons of either sex - it becomes unusual, incomprehensible, ridiculous, stereotypical. It is very peculiar. Schizophrenics, seized by some super-valuable manic idea, have a special charisma and ability to influence the masses, bribing with their sincere fanatical belief in it, are very convincing and penetrating. And this applies to almost all areas of activity - they often become significant figures in politics, religion. Especially often manifest themselves in opposition directions.
Their artistic works, original, original, not traditional, which reflect all their anxiety, excitement, their hallucinatory and delusional experiences, are amazing.
And in everyday life schizophrenics are characterized by selfishness and orientation only to their own interests. They do not obey traditions and conventions, are prone to protest and never make concessions.